North Canberra Community Council

Constitution Avenue upgrade consultation sessions

Community feedback is invited on the preliminary design plans for the upgrade of Constitution Avenue. In celebration of the Centenary of Canberra in 2013, the Australian Government has gifted $42 million to the ACT Government for the upgrade of Constitution Avenue. This project will deliver major transport infrastructure improvements including a dedicated bus lane in each direction, a separated cycle path, improved pedestrian facilities and a new central median planted with trees.

Bid to store fuel at ASIO site

ASIO is seeking approval to store more than half a million litres of fuel at its new $589 million headquarters in Canberra a street away from family homes. In an application to the ACT Environmental Protection Authority, the spy agency says it wants 660,000 litres of diesel stored on the Constitution Avenue site to run back-up generators. Local residents are concerned about the massive store and angry about a lack of consultation. Read more:

Bid to store fuel at ASIO site

ASIO is seeking approval to store more than half a million litres of fuel at its new $589 million headquarters in Canberra a street away from family homes. In an application to the ACT Environmental Protection Authority, the spy agency says it wants 660,000 litres of diesel stored on the Constitution Avenue site to run back-up generators. Local residents are concerned about the massive store and angry about a lack of consultation. Read more: