North Canberra Community Council

Assessment of the Performance of the Three Branches of Government in ACT against Latimer House Principles

On 15 March 2012, NCCC sent a submission to the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure in regard to an Inquiry into the ACT Self Government Act. A number of recommendations have been made in response to the assessment of the performance of the three branches of government in the ACT, including that the number of MLAs should be increased, and the ACT Auditor General and Ombudsman should be made Officers of Parliament. The Standing Committee is considering holding public hearings in April to discuss matters raised in the submissions.

Laws halt new pharmacy

Pharmacists are calling on the Federal Minister for Health and Ageing to exercise her discretionary powers to allow a pharmacy to be established in Hackett. Hackett is unable to qualify for a pharmacy under a Federal Government Pharmacy Agreement.  Owners of the Griffith Pharmacy Rhonda Warne and Yuko Raimoto have already leased a shop in Hackett for a pharmacy but are now awaiting approval to open it.

A tale of two developments

The Government’s “Time to Talk” consultations resulted in broad acceptance of the potential benefits of urban densification. Two recent consultations have highlighted the importance of densifying in a way that is compatible with existing suburbs, and of gaining and maintaining community acceptance.