North Canberra Community Council

Weathering the Change – Draft Action Plan No 2 – Submission

In this submission, NCCC comments on sustainable transport, sustainable waste, renewable energy, gas-fired electricity generation, carbon offsets, and proposed pathways to emission reduction strategies. It grades the five pathways presented in Draft Action Plan No 2 to reach the goal of a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions which the ACT Government has committed to. Read submission »…

Proposed Letter to Federal Minister for Health and Aging

The Hackett Community Association (HCA) has been encouraging the establishment of a pharmacy at the local shops because there are many older residents of Hackett who find it difficult to get to nearby pharmacies due to lack of personal transport, poor interconnecting bus services or lack of mobility.  This had led to a pharmacist leasing one of the shops at the Hackett Shops and commencing to fit it out in anticipation of obtaining approval to operate the pharmacy. This is a major demonstration of faith in the Hackett Community as it is by no means certain that the pharmacy will …

Proposed Letter to Federal Minister for Health and Aging

The Hackett Community Association (HCA) has been encouraging the establishment of a pharmacy at the local shops because there are many older residents of Hackett who find it difficult to get to nearby pharmacies due to lack of personal transport, poor interconnecting bus services or lack of mobility.  This had led to a pharmacist leasing one of the shops at the Hackett Shops and commencing to fit it out in anticipation of obtaining approval to operate the pharmacy. This is a major demonstration of faith in the Hackett Community as it is by no means certain that the pharmacy will …

AINSLIE Development Application: 201221092 Address: NO ADDRESS Block: 12 Section: 100

Proposal: PUBLIC WORK – TELECOMMUNICATIONS – ANTENNA. Proposed replacement of 3 existing 3GIS panel antennas with 3 new VHA panel antennas (dimensions 1916 x 262 x 139mm) antennas & existing turret mount to be replaced with a new 3.3m turret mount. Relocation of existing Telstra panel antennas to new turret mount above the existing mount. New mount will be 2.85m in height. Installation of a new 2.5m x 3.0m outdoor equipment shelter on concrete piers, adjacent to the 3GIS lease area, as well as a VHA 450mm wide cable tray with support post to connect to the base of the …

Clean Up Australia Day – Corroboree Park

Families for a Better Community – Canbera would like to inform you that we registred Corroboree Park, Ainslie as our site as part of Clean Up Australia Day. Our clean up will take place 4th March 10am – 12pm. We endeavor to clean up the park and surrounding area in Ainslie. You can join us by registering on line at