North Canberra Community Council

DICKSON Development Application: 201120493 Address: 2 HOPE STREET Block: 1 Section: 11

Proposal: MULTI DWELLING – DEMOLITION – LEASE VARIATION – 8 UNIT DEVELOPMENT. Proposed demolition of two detached houses and construction of 8 residential units in new 2 storey development with basement garage; Please see application form for full details of the lease variation. Period for representations closes: 07/11/2011 Click here to view the plans

CITY Development Application: 201120598 Address: 56 WEST ROW Block: 35 Section: 1

Proposal: NONR-ADDITIONS-ALTERATIONS-MEZZALIRA COFFEE SHOP. Proposal is for the removal of the existing non-original facade which will be relocated to the existing opening. A new facade door installed to match existing heritage character. Addition of a new partition wall to separate the fire exit. Period for representations closes: 04/11/2011 Click here to view the plans

AINSLIE Development Application: 201120616 Address: NO ADDRESS Block: 12 Section: 100

Proposal: PUBLIC WORK – ActewAGL – POWER SUPPLY . Proposed upgrade the power Supply to Airport & Majura Business park by laying new underground 11 kv feeder in conduit from ActewAGL’s City East Zone Substation. Period for representations closes: 02/11/2011 Click here to view the plans

DOWNER Development Application: 201120402 Address: BONYTHON STREET Block: 2 Section: 73

Proposal: COMMNUNITY FACILITY-DOWNER RUGBY FIELDS-LIGHTING. Proposal to provide training level lighting to two fields via four new twenty two metre tall pylons each fitted with three 2kw metal halide flood lights to provide average luminance of approximately 60 lux in accordance with the Australian Standards. Period for representations closes: 19/10/2011 Click here to view the plans

More happy campers after EPIC rejuvenation

A rejuvenation program highlighted in the Exhibition Park (EPIC) Annual Report for 2010-2011, will provide more low-cost accommodation for visitors to Canberra, especially school children. As part of the rejuvenation program, the ACT Government has provided $4.1 million for major upgrades to the Budawang Pavilion, toilets and shower blocks, signage and the capture of non-potable water for use on site. Read ACT Govt. media release »…

Final changes to ACT Legislative Assembly electoral boundaries announced

The final make-up of the ACT Legislative Assembly electoral boundaries for the 2012 election has been announced today by the ACT Electoral Commissioner, Mr Phillip Green. “The Augmented ACT Electoral Commission has decided to alter the existing electoral boundaries by adopting the Redistribution Committee’s proposal to transfer the Gungahlin suburbs of Crace and Palmerston from the electorate of Molonglo to the electorate of Ginninderra. This change has been made to ensure that each of the ACT’s three electorates will be within 5% of the enrolment quota at the time of the 2012 election. The electorate of Brindabella has not been …

Community drop-in information session – Campbell Section 5 Master Plan Project

The Land Development Agency (LDA) invites the residents, business owners and community groups of Campbell to attend a community drop-in information session regarding the development of the Campbell Section 5 Master Plan. The LDA will develop a detailed plan of subdivision and construct the streets and a new park as part of the realisation of the Griffin Legacy proposal for Constitution Avenue. Campbell Section 5 is the vacant parcel of land located on the northern edge of Constitution Avenue and east of ANZAC Parade and is bound by Creswell Street and Chowne Street.