Reminder: 2010/11 ACT Budget Consultation closing soon (Closing 28 September 2009)

The opportunity to provide input, make written submissions and/or proposals for the 2010/11 ACT Budget closes on 28 September 2009. The ACT Department of Treasury is seeking input from interested community and business groups, industry, unions and individuals to share their views and suggestions on the key savings measures and options for raising revenue for consideration in the 2010-11 ACT Budget.

Consultation: Review of the Arts in Canberra (until March 2010)

Funding was provided in the 2008-09 Budget for a review of the arts in Canberra as Arts Canberra, the ACT Government’s current action statement for the arts, expired at the end of 2008. The review will be conducted by independent consultants Peter Loxton and Associates Pty Ltd and will include research into best-practice arts policy from around Australia and overseas, as well as working with the local ACT arts community to look at the success of the current policy and its implementation to date.

Invitation to comment: Sustainable Transport Action Plan 2010-2016 (closing 30 September 2009)

In 2004, the ACT Government released the Sustainable Transport Plan, establishing long-term targets to increase the number of people using sustainable transport modes like public transport, walking and cycling, and promoting integrated transport and land use planning. In 2009, the ACT Government is developing a Sustainable Transport Action Plan, which will set out how the Government will implement the Sustainable Transport Plan in the short to medium term – from 2010 – 2016. The Sustainable Transport Action Plan will consist of four strategies governing how we move around our city and our region. These four aspects of the integrated transport …

ACT Government: Plastic Bag Consultation (August/September 2009)

Plastic bags are widely used in all communities but can pose a threat to the environment. The ACT Government wants to know whether Canberrans are concerned by their use and if so what should be done about it. Do you want to ban them? Introduce a levy? Or encourage the use of other types of bags? Please have your say on this issue and help us get the best policy in place. Telephone surveys have already commenced while there will also be the opportunity to have a say through consultation sessions taking place in shopping centres. [update: 31 August 2009] …

Invitation to comment: Review of the Human Rights Act 2004 (closing 12 October 2009)

The ACT Government is seeking feedback on the operation of the ACT Human Rights Act 2004. The Department of Justice and Community Safety is seeking submissions from individuals and interested organisations on the recommendations made by the independent ACT Human Rights Act Research Project (ACTHRA). The Research Project report can be viewed online at

Invitation to comment: Have your say on the future of public transport in the ACT

Given the ACT Government’s long-term vision for the city and its growth, what must we do to achieve our sustainability goals as they relate to public transport? The ACT Government is developing the Sustainable Transport Action Plan 2010-2016 to help meet the sustainable transport targets set out in the Sustainable Transport Plan (2004). A key element of the Sustainable Transport Action Plan 2010-2016 will be the Public Transport Strategy. The Government is seeking public comment on the geography of a public transport network for 2031 by releasing the Strategic Public Transport Network Plan. The long term ‘frequent network’ proposed by …

Invitation to comment: Working with Vulnerable People Checks (closing 12 October 2009)

The ACT Government is developing a Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP) Checks system as part of its commitment to the support and protection of vulnerable people in the ACT.  The checking system will assist in reducing the incidence of abuse of vulnerable persons.    Abuse can include sexual, physical, emotional or financial harm or neglect.

Invitation to comment: Draft ACT Strategic Bushfire Management Plan (SBMP v2) (closing 25 September 2009)

The Emergency Services Agency (ESA) released the first ACT Strategic Bushfire Management Plan (SBMP) in January 2005 to provide a clear guide on the management of bushfire risk in the Territory. The ESA, in close liaison with the Department of Territory and Municipal Services and other key government and community stakeholders, has now reviewed the SBMP. The formal draft of the SBMP version two is now available for final public comment prior to finalisation of the Plan.

Invitation to comment: Lyneham Sports Precinct Master Plan (closing 11 September 2009)

The ACT Department of the Territories and Municipal Services (Sports and Recreation Services Section) is inviting Canberrans to comment on the future of the Lyneham Sports Precinct revised Master Plan. This revised Master Plan includes: covering the storm water drain that currently divides the area to make the usable area larger and more connected better access through an internal road network, including major entry points more parking and better traffic management which will be important on major event days. [youtube]Ldt3py46Y5o&rel=0&showsearch=1[/youtube]